I recently purchased a Paramount MyT Mount and tripod from Software Bisque. This will replace my Meade 10″ LX200 GPS for imaging (still an awesome visual scope). The main reason was to maximize my imaging time. Second, the desire to try longer focal length imaging, particularly galaxies, requires a more capable mount. Although I could take up to 10 minute guided images using the refractor (about 440 mm focal length with .8x reducer), this piggy back setup was tedious and time-consuming for critical astrophotography. I was losing too much light (or dark depending on perspective)! The first impression of the fit and finish for the MyT is excellent. I have yet to put it under the stars, as the box arrived with obligatory clouds and rain. The astronomy gods must be appeased after all. However, I have installed the Software Bisque WiSky module, as I plan to use this mount for outreach and visual astronomy as well. I made a video that shows how to perform this installation. Hopefully I will capture ancient photons from the night sky soon from this excellent imaging platform. Clear skies!