Stellarvue SVX140T with FFFR 700mm at f/5, FLI ML16200, Chroma Filters, Paramount MyT. SHO image created with PixInsight and Affinity Photo 2.Stellarvue SVX140T with FFFR 700mm at f/5, FLI ML16200, Chroma Filters, Paramount MyT. SHO image created with PixInsight and Affinity Photo 2.Stellarvue SVX90T and Player One Apollo M MAX.SVX130T and FLI ML 16200. Chroma LRGB filters.Stellarvue SVX140T with FFFR 700mm at f/5, FLI ML16200, Chroma Filters, Paramount MyT. SII: 6×600, Ha: 30×600, OIII: 6×600. Processed with PixInsight and PSCS6.SVX140T with FFFR 700mm @f/5. FLI ML16200 with Chroma LRGB filters.
Paramount MyT. L:6×300, R:24×300, G:12×300, B:12×300. 4.5 hours total integration time. Processed with PixInsight and PSCS6.SVX140T with FFFR 700mm @f/5. FLI ML16200 with Chroma RGB and 8nm Ha filters. Paramount MyT. Ha:5×600, R:24×300, G:24×300, B:17×300. Processed with PixInsight and PSCS6.Stellarvue SVX140T with FFFR 700mm at f/5, FLI ML16200, Chroma Filters, Paramount MyT. SII: 27×600, Ha: 28×600, OIII: 19×600. Processed with PixInsight.Stellarvue SVX130T and FLI ML16200. Chroma LRGB and Ha filters. Processed in PixInsight.North American Nebula captured over several nights in October 2022.Orion Mak-Newt with Celestron Nightscape 8300.Trifid Nebula in HaLRGB. Ha was collected in my backyard. LRGB was captured at the DSSP2019 in Likely Place, CA. Shot with QSI 532ws through SVA130T-IS.Running Man Nebula. This is a crop showing full size of new Orion image with FLI ML16200.Orion Nebula with new FLI ML16200. This is 60×2 minute Luminace filter exposures.Gamma Cygni in HaCrescent in HaHorsehead and Flame NebulaeCalifornia Nebula short with QSI 532ws.Witches Broom, part of the Vela Supernova remnant shot with QSI 532ws.Soul Nebula shot with QSI 532ws.Pleiades shot with QSI 532ws.Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae shot with QSI 532ws.Orion Nebula shot with QSI 532ws through a William Optics ZenithStar 80 ED II APO.Heart Nebula shot with QSI 532ws through a William Optics ZenithStar 80 ED II APO.Crab Nebula shot with QSI 532ws through a William Optics ZenithStar 80 ED II APO.Orion’s Belt shot with QSI 532ws and Nikon 50mm f/1.4D lens.North American and Pelican Nubulae shot with QSI 532ws with Nikon 50mm f/1.4D lens.Crescent Nebula shot with QSI 532ws with Nikon 50mm f/1.4D lens.Mosaic of previous, Gamma Cygni region.